Wednesday, October 10, 2007

What Just Happened?!

Lots of people in Newfoundland and Labrador are scratching their heads this morning. Last night I dreamed we became a dictatorship with virtually no opposition. But this morning I saw a headline that said “Tory Tsunami – 43 Seats”. What the...?!

Commentators are asking, is this the end of the great Liberal Party in Newfoundland and Labrador?

Ah don’t be so melodramatic boy. It’s like this: Do you remember as a teenager getting hassled for trying to get the car keys? But then there was that special evening, perhaps your dad was having a few, maybe he was just in a particularly good mood. Whatever the case you remember that he threw you the car keys and said, “fill your boots.”

So we’ve thrown Danny the keys without having to have his baby brother in the passenger seat. No odds. But by’ Jeeze if you brings her back to me with a ding in the fender your arse will be redder than a Liberal’s face on October 10.

On the other hand if it comes back to us a little cleaner and with a full tank of gas, God Love Ya we might just cut you a key.

Monday, October 08, 2007

One Day

Just one more day to make up your mind. Some of us will vote for the leader we like, some will vote for the party we like and many others will vote for the person we like. If you are lucky enough to have the candidate you want, for the party you want, and the leader you want - you are all set.

Adding to the confusion my neighbour across the street has to vote in a different riding. The true story in this election may be the number of people who are as of yet undecided and the numbers who will not even bother to vote.

We wonder why so much voter apathy and confusion. We are all voting for different things?!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

With Condolences - Gerry Tobin

With deepest respect and sympathy.
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